Plan With Me List: A List of Youtubers Who Plan

Ahh, pregnancy brain accompanied with adult ADHD, mean I don't remember what I was talking about 5 minutes ago. So to keep track of my life I use a paper planner. I have two styles that I love. Simplified Planner and Erin Condren Life Planner.

There are many ways to "plan" these days. Some people pre-decorate, some go one day at a time, and some plan the whole week, and some go backwards filling in what happened. I find it fascinating to watch people plan.

The following list is one of Youtubers who plan in front a camera. It's an interesting way to show how to use different tools to plan. I have been inspired by many people. This list is in no specific order.

I am sure there are more planners that do Plan With Me videos. If you have one that I haven't mentioned please leave me a comment. I will watch it! Inspiration is amazing! 

1 comment

  1. I watch many of these as well! Thanks for the list of more to watch. I've been doing some as well at
