Pull up a rocking chair, grab a blanket, and let's talk.
I'm at my grandmother's for the afternoon. I packed myself a bag when she offered to come get me. So here I sit on her porch listening to it rain and thinking about my future.
Scattered around me are things that I hold dear to me right now; my Erin Condren Life Planner, my Simplified Planner, my glass of sweat tea, my bowl of potato soup, some yarn and the book, The Wonder Weeks: How to Stimulate Your Baby's Mental Development and Help Him Turn His 10 Predictable, Great, Fussy Phases into Magical Leaps Forward. And all of these things are honestly a representation of what I want to talk to you about through this blog. It's a little scary when you read back over the list but I promise I have a method to my madness.
Let's start backwards with the book. I'm expecting. Not only am I expecting, but it is twins. And, this is my first time pregnant past 10 weeks. Plus, we have the genders, but we haven't had the party yet. So, myself and their daddy doesn't know. Only two people in the world know what they are. I'm so excited to share the next 21 weeks of my pregnancy with you. The journey won't end there, because I'll continue to share even after they are born.
I cannot look at yarn without thinking of Luke Bryan (*Sigh*) and him crooning "Tangle me up like grandma's yarn." However, I'm learning how to knit. It's just one of several DIY things I'm learning. So you'll see some interesting DIYs on this blog from time to time. Most of mine will be very cheap and easy. I'm up for making my home look expensive without it actually being expensive!
Potato soup, mmmmmmmmm. I'm marrying a man that can really cook and he is willing to share some of his recipes. I have shared recipes before, but this will be slightly different. This won't be something you can just pop in the microwave and you're done (unless it's more than just adding water!) I like easy and simple recipes that do not require me to be Rachel Ray or Paula Dean.
The glass of sweet tea is a little different from the other items. This is my personality and my southern root talks. I love being from the south and talking about football, James Spann, and other southerner common things. Want to learn something about the south or southerner ways? Plus learn more about myself? Stick around!
And last but not least is my Erin Condren Planner and The Simplified Planner. There are thousands of people using these particular planners. I'm using them together, but separately for different reasons. Sharing ways of using each plus the tools I use with them. I will also show where you can draw inspiration from the things that inspire me!
That's it for now folks! Come back anytime!
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